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YouTube, a key player in driving traffic to social networks

YouTube would have generated around 40% of traffic to Facebook and Instagram by 2023.

According to data presented by OnlyAccounts.io, YouTube would have generated around 40% of traffic to Facebook and Instagram by 2023. A figure that testifies to the need to integrate the online video leader into your marketing strategy.

Bought out by Google in 2006, the video giant is the second most widely used social network in the world. With 2.7 billion users, YouTube enables brands to reach a wide audience. But what's less talked about is the share of traffic to social networks generated by the online video giant. We take stock.

YouTube would have generated 43% of traffic to Facebook and 38% to Instagram by 2023

YouTube's statistics are nothing short of impressive. In 2023, the platform recorded almost 113 billion monthly visits, while worldwide 52% of Internet users logged on at least once a month. In addition to its growing popularity, thanks in particular to its YouTube Shorts formats, the video giant has also seen a massive increase in the average time spent using its app. According to data from Data Reportal, in 2023, worldwide, YouTube users spent an average of 28 hrs 05 mins a month on the platform, four hours more than in 2022. This puts YouTube in 2nd place behind TikTok (34h).

Given these figures, it's hardly surprising that YouTube is also a major provider of traffic to social networks. According to data from Statista and SimilarWeb, the video-sharing platform generates almost 43% of traffic to Facebook. Far ahead of Messenger.com and whatsapp.com, which each account for almost 12% of traffic, followed by Instagram and Twitter with 11% and 7% shares respectively.

The statistics also show that YouTube accounted for almost 38% of traffic to Instagram in 2023, 11% more than Twitter. Facebook, WhatsApp and LinkedIn follow with 17%, 4.5% and 1.43% shares respectively.

YouTube is the main traffic driver for Google and LinkedIn

As well as generating a huge proportion of referral traffic to social networking giants Facebook and Instagram, YouTube is also the main traffic driver for other major Internet players. According to statistics, YouTube generates 64% of traffic to Google, almost ten times more than any other website. By comparison, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are said to account for 7% of referral traffic to the world's most widely used search engine. On the BtoB side, nearly 38% of LinkedIn's traffic is said to come from YouTube, followed by Twitter with a 16% share.


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