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LinkedIn tests a new short video stream

LinkedIn is experimenting with a TikTok-style stream of video shorts in its application.

LinkedIn is experimenting with a TikTok-style video stream in its app. With this new test, the social network for professionals joins many other apps such as Instagram , YouTube, Snapchat and Netflix that have launched their own short video streams in the face of TikTok's popularity.

Linkedin diversifies its formats with short videos

The feed was first spotted by Austin Null, strategy director at influencer agency McKinney. Null posted a short demo on LinkedIn showcasing the new feed, which can be found in the app's navigation bar in a new "Video" tab.

While video is not new to the platform, the new feed aims to boost engagement and discovery on the platform by riding the snack content trend. The new option is similar to that of other applications, although LinkedIn's feed is obviously BtoB. After tapping the new video button, you'll be taken to a vertical stream of video shorts. As with the platform's other formats (posts, carousel...), it will be possible to like, comment and share.

LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft , reports that videos are one of the most popular formats among platform users. The feature is currently being tested. To date, LinkedIn has not released any details on the selection criteria for a video to appear in a user's feed.

Fighting TikTok

The testing of this new feature comes at a time when many creators are also active on TikTok , where they share advice and experiences on topics such as career development, job hunting and professional development. LinkedIn' s new feed should offer creators a dedicated space to share their video content and grow their community. According to some experts, LinkedIn could eventually monetize its feeds to encourage creators to publish more video content on the application.

Availability: LinkedIn has not indicated when it plans to roll out this feature to all users.


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