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How do you update customer data in your CRM?

Integrating Dropcontact into your HubSpot CRM steps in to streamline the process and improve data quality, while ensuring strict RGPD compliance.

In the constantly evolving world of sales and marketing, data quality is a major asset for successful inbound andoutbound marketing campaigns. However, data management can be tedious and time-consuming, and it's not salespeople's job to clean the data. This is where integrating Dropcontact into your HubSpot CRM comes in to streamline the process and improve data quality, while ensuring strict RGPD compliance. Discover the key features of the Dropcontact API in Hubspot.

Why update your customer database?

It's not for nothing that L'ADN DATA gives us this catchphrase. When we start prospecting, it's with data that we approach people, and the human element comes later in Outbound Marketing. So it's essential to understand that the data in your lead or prospect base doesn't stand still. Between 25% and 30% of your contacts are likely to change jobs or companies every year. Unfortunately, many organizations don't devote the time or resources to updating their contact database.

This data obsolescence can lead to a range of problems, including missed opportunities, ineffective campaigns and an ineffective sales strategy. Contacts are the lifeblood of your CRM. Out-of-date information can lead you to contact people who are no longer relevant to your business, or worse, ignore new business opportunities. To get the most out of your CRM, it's essential to set up processes for regularly updating your data.

Another common problem is duplicate entries in your CRM.

Imagine the following situation: two members of your sales team send the same message to the same person, without realizing that the other has already done so. This can not only waste time and efficiency, but also damage your company's credibility.

Duplicate contacts are a source of confusion and can also lead to costly mistakes. For example, if you assign duplicate leads to different sales teams, you risk creating unnecessary internal competition and frustrating your prospects.

To solve this problem, it's essential to adopt procedures for detecting and merging duplicates in your CRM. This will ensure that every contact is unique, and that your team can work more efficiently and consistently.

How do you update a customer database in your CRM?

Thanks to Dropcontact, your HubSpot CRM reaches a new level of power and automation. You'll no longer have to worry about the quality of your data in HubSpot, because Dropcontact manages everything seamlessly and your database will be up to date.

E-mail address enrichment and validation

Data enrichment begins with the search for business e-mail addresses. With Dropcontact, you can obtain a contact's personal e-mail address simply by using their first name, last name and company website. What's more, Dropcontact automatically validates every e-mail with its powerful algorithm, guaranteeing a validity rate of 98% (or 85% for catch-alls).

Contact data enrichment

Enriching contact data is essential for effective personalization of your communications. Dropcontact automatically corrects first names, standardizes data by adding civility, rectifying name/surname inversion errors, and providing LinkedIn profiles. In addition, Dropcontact adds business telephone numbers and qualifies each contact's business e-mail. Intelligent duplicate merging consolidates data from multiple contact records, ensuring that every contact is unique, up-to-date and automatically enriched.

Company data enrichment

Dropcontact doesn't limit itself to individual contact data. It also enriches company data by adding the company's website from its name or business e-mail address. It also adds the company's telephone number, NAF2 code and sector of activity for companies registered in France. The company's postal address is set to postal standard NFZ 10-011 AFNOR (only for addresses in France), and the company's headcount range is automatically added (only for French companies). Dropcontact thus contributes to enriching and qualifying company data in a comprehensive way.

RGPD compliance

Dropcontact guarantees RGPD compliance. Data delivered by Dropcontact is updated, cleansed, and Dropcontact is RGPD because it does not store or use any databases, only algorithms.

Optimize the power of your HubSpot CRM by integrating Dropcontact, and benefit from high-quality, RGPD-compliant data for effective marketing and sales campaigns. With Dropcontact, your sales teams can finally focus on selling, while data is managed automatically and seamlessly.

How does Dropcontact fit in with Hubspot's CRM?

Integrating Dropcontact with your CRM goes far beyond simple customer data management. Indeed, Dropcontact is much more than an enrichment solution, it's a versatile tool that takes your CRM to the next level. What's more, Dropcontact integrates natively with popular CRMs such as HubSpot, Salesforce and Pipedrive. It's an essential tool for your prospecting in 2024.

Here's how Dropcontact transforms your CRM:

  1. Automatic duplicate detection and merging: Dropcontact's algorithms are capable of detecting and merging duplicate contacts and companies, even in the absence of common fields. This ensures that your data remains clean and structured, eliminating any risk of confusion.
  2. Automatic data update: Dropcontact updates your contact and company data in real time. You're informed as soon as a significant change occurs, so you can stay on top of important developments.
  3. Enriching Contacts and Companies: Incomplete profiles are automatically completed with information relevant to your marketing campaigns. This includes adding contact information, company legal data, LinkedIn profile and much more.
  4. Add Phone Number: Thanks to Dropcontact's integration, you can retrieve all your contacts' information from the email signatures of your entire team. This gives you a direct means of communication.
  5. Cleaning CRM fields: Dropcontact ensures that information is correctly placed in the appropriate fields and standardizes the format of first and last names, in particular by correcting capital letters.

A single tool, Dropcontact, offers all these features in one place, simplifying the management and cleansing of your CRM. You no longer have to juggle several tools to maintain the integrity of your data.

What's more, Dropcontact is 100% RGPD compliant. It doesn't use databases or resell data. You can be sure that your contacts remain private and never leave your CRM.

Integrating multiple tools into your CRM can be costly, complicated to manage and increase the risk of RGPD non-compliance. With Dropcontact, you have one powerful tool to clean, update and improve the quality of your CRM data. It's like having a "Mr. Clean" for your CRM, without the hassle or worry.

Don't hesitate to call on Makead, the expert outsourced prospecting agency and partner of Hubspot and Dropcontact.

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