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Outbound marketing: an effective strategy for conversion

Focus on outbound marketing, a method that uses precise upstream targeting to optimize the implementation of prospecting actions.

For the past two years, content strategies have been the talk of the town. But despite the evolution of marketing and consumer needs, outbound marketing remains the most effective way to achieve results and exceed objectives.

Outbound marketing: definition

Outbound marketing is a strategy for the direct promotion of a product or service. In other words, it encompasses all "cold" actions, i.e., actions carried out before the lead has even heard of the brand. These include cold calling, targeted e-mailing and mass messaging via social networks.

Outbound marketing, for what type of company?

While powerful communication can propel sales for BtoC brands, in BtoB, communication alone is not enough. Not using outbound marketing as a strike force is unthinkable. Thanks to the greater complexity of the offers on offer, but also of the people targeted, outbound marketing provides precise upstream targeting, enabling optimized implementation of prospecting actions.

The fundamentals of outbound marketing :


When using outbound marketing as part of your sales strategy, it's essential to work with qualitative databases. These are the backbone of downstream work. Platforms such as L'ADN DATA enable you to identify your target and find relevant contacts for your prospecting. The effectiveness of your outbound marketing strategy lies in your choice of target audience. Take the time to build up your prospecting database - it's vital to the success of your campaigns.


Whether you're sending out mass e-mails, posting messages on social networks (such as Linkedin), or cold calling, you need to optimize your message. Depending on the sector in which you operate, the writing, length and wording of your message will differ. However, there is one rule common to all good outbound marketing strategies: be clear, concise and precise. This triad will greatly increase your chances of being heard. With cold calling, your lead doesn't expect to receive either your e-mail or your phone call. Humans have an average listening concentration of 8 seconds. So you've got 8 seconds to convince them, so make sure your intonation is impactful and your message relevant.

Actions :

A successful outbound marketing strategy is first and foremost a strategy of multiple actions. A first contact isn't enough: it takes an average of 7 follow-ups to get a response from a lead. By multiplying your actions, you increase your chances of reaching them. A multi-channel strategy, i.e. involving several platforms, is a good way to get results. For example, start by sending an e-mail, then in your prospecting sequences, plan a telephone follow-up on D+2, and finally, a few days later, contact the same lead via Linkedin.


Nurturing is part of bothinbound and outbound marketing strategies. Nurturing, as the name suggests, involves nurturing your lead. Transforming a lead into a prospect and then a prospect into a new customer can take several days, weeks or even months, depending on your business. By sending them regular content, you're reminding them that you care. Newsletters are an effective nurturing tool. By including marketing e-mails in your prospecting strategy, you'll increase your conversion rates.

Inbound and outbound: complementary strategies :

While inbound marketing produces content marketing aimed at the target audience, outbound marketing connects identified leads with content produced by the company. It's important to understand that consumers are increasingly interested in high value-added content. Everywhere on the Internet, brands deliver and offer free blog articles, white papers, podcasts and all other forms of lead magnet. These products offered by companies are a godsend for leads, as well as being an effective way of gathering qualified data. As you can see, inbound marketing produces and identifies, while outbound marketing distributes.

The best outbound marketing tools :

If you're just starting out in outbound marketing, here are 5 useful tools to help you get your strategy up and running:

Hubspot Hub Sales: A leader in the CRM market, Hubspot Hub Sales will become the essential tool for your prospecting. It lets you track your contacts, the status of your prospects and the needs of your customers. With the HubSpot Hub Sales package, you'll simplify prospecting by centralizing your data and prospecting sequences for greater efficiency.

SalesNavigator: This tool developed by LinkedIn enables you to find qualified prospects and target them in a personalized way. It provides you with your target's contact details, the main support for your prospecting.

DropContact: In order to obtain highly qualitative databases, it's important to enrich your databases with the missing information. Dropcontact analyzes your databases and fills them with the missing information.

Waalaxy: This software lets you search for qualified prospects on LinkedIn according to precise criteria, such as job title, company, industry or location. It also offers automation features, enabling you to send messages and invitations to prospects automatically.

Mailjet: MailJet offers advanced features for personalizing your e-mail campaigns, such as recipient field customization, CRM integration and campaign automation.

Strongly linked to inbound marketing, outbound marketing is an effective roist strategy. This powerful mix will be the winning recipe for your conversion results.

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