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Influence marketing in 2024

2024 will be the year of authenticity for influencer marketing. We explain how naturalness will boost your campaign results tenfold.

As influencer marketing comes of age in 2023, content creators and companies are working together to meet a need inherent to brand success: transparency. Gone are the days of publications with haphazard promotional messages, closer to teleshopping than to the influencer's genuine interest in the product. If in 2023, consumers were able to put a stop to these practices, in 2024 influencer marketing intends to rethink its codes.

Influence marketing under the law

In the influencer marketing category, the year 2023 was marked by law no. 2023-451 of June 9, 2023, aimed at framing the influencer market. Following its vote, content creators found themselves legally obliged to specify when their content was a paid collaboration. A simple but divisive requirement. In France, paid promotion often has the wrong connotation. On the one hand, because consumers have little regard for the profession of content creator, and on the other, because they too often feel manipulated by this type of publication.

For their part, Anglo-Saxon creators have no trouble disclosing that they make a living from these paid partnerships. The reason for this is the cultural differences between our countries, which (apparently) don't allow us the luxury of talking freely about money. Fortunately for us, some influencers are lifting the veil on the reality of the influencer market. Such is the case of designer and entrepreneur Noholita, who didn't hesitate to give her rates in an episode of the Generation Do It Yourself podcast.

"I can take up to €6,000 for a story," explains Noholita. A price that may seem high, but the influencer justifies it by explaining that the brands she collaborates with always get a return on investment that lives up to their expectations.

Influencer marketing in 2024: a return to authenticity

UGC, or User Generated Content, is a common practice adopted by all brands that have understood that consumer feedback is the best form of advertising. In 2024, Paid UGC, or in other words: the paid version of UGC, is likely to take off in a big way. Advertisers have cleverly taken into account their consumers' search for authenticity. Paid UGC is quite simply the new way of doing influencer marketing properly: micro-influencers are paid to talk about products. Because of their small communities, these creators are considered more sincere, while being particularly close to their subscribers. It's a low-cost win-win situation that's as easy for big brands as it is for small ones.


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In 2024, the focus is on interaction

Social networks are a long conversation, not a monologue. A successful influencer marketing strategy is above all one that relies on interaction with the community. While purely promotional informational content annoys us, it also has the great ability to bore us. By focusing on interaction, you choose to get close to your target audience. By working with a content creator whose approach is based on community, you'll positively enhance your brand's reputation, while easily driving their subscribers towards your value proposition.

The power of multi-channel in your influencer campaigns

By 2022, 81.5% of influencers were running their campaigns on Instagram. Since then, TikTok, which was already one of the new pillars of influence, has experienced impressive growth. According to Brand Finance, from 2022 to 2023, with an increase of 215%, TikTok was the fastest-growing company in the world. Conversely, the growing lack of visibility on Instagram frustrates, but above all drives content creators to multiply distribution channels. This is good news for brands, since multi-channel strategies increase the number of views tenfold, and drastically increase the impact of influencer campaigns.

By 2024, the watchword for influencer campaigns will be authenticity. As consumers, we've never needed a return to nature more. Be creative, choose the influencers with whom you collaborate carefully, and above all, rely on a high level of interaction, while optimizing the distribution of content across several social networks.

In 2024, the focus is on interaction

Social networks are a long conversation, not a monologue. A successful influencer marketing strategy is above all one that relies on interaction with the community. While purely promotional informational content annoys us, it also has the great ability to bore us. By focusing on interaction, you choose to get close to your target audience. By working with a content creator whose approach is based on community, you'll positively enhance your brand's reputation, while easily driving their subscribers towards your value proposition.

The power of multi-channel in your influencer campaigns

By 2022, 81.5% of influencers were running their campaigns on Instagram. Since then, TikTok, which was already one of the new pillars of influence, has experienced impressive growth. According to Brand Finance, from 2022 to 2023, with an increase of 215%, TikTok was the fastest-growing company in the world. Conversely, the growing lack of visibility on Instagram frustrates, but above all drives content creators to multiply distribution channels. This is good news for brands, since multi-channel strategies increase the number of views tenfold, and drastically increase the impact of influencer campaigns.

By 2024, the watchword for influencer campaigns will be authenticity. As consumers, we've never needed a return to nature more. Be creative, choose the influencers with whom you collaborate carefully, and above all, rely on a high level of interaction, while optimizing the distribution of content across several social networks.

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