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Why add music to your Instagram posts?

Discover best practices for adding music to your Instagram posts.

Want to give your photos a little boost on Instagram? Whether you want to convey a specific mood or share your favorite songs, Instagram now lets you add music to your News Feed posts. A great way to make your posts far more engaging.

Adding music to Instagram feed posts is a good compromise for offering an enriched experience to your community quickly and simply.

Best practices for adding music to your Instagram posts

Music in your Instagram feed for a richer content experience

Sometimes you want to convey a specific mood, and a single photo isn't always enough to achieve this. Perhaps you want to create a sense of nostalgia, or generate enthusiasm for a new product you're launching. Whatever the case, a still image alone can't effectively help you express that mood. By providing audio stimulation and creating a richer content experience, music proves to be a perfect complement to share a mood. Similarly, a well-chosen piece of music can help you convey a punchline more effectively when sharing memes, for example. Imagine being able to include an iconic song from the mid-2000s in a meme about mid-2000s fashion. By doing so, you ensure consistency between your audio and visual content.


As part of her Instagram collaboration with Canterbury Classics, book content creator Ashley used a track that can be associated with the Scottish Highlands. A choice that helped create the perfect mood to enhance a book set on Scotland's Isle of Skye.

Add music to your Instagram posts to boost engagement

A post on your Instagram feed containing music isn't just an ordinary photo for people to scroll through. Being able to enjoy an audio experience can force users to pause and interact with your content. By creating a more engaging experience, audio immerses them in the publication. As such, you could dramatically improve engagement on your Instagram posts.


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Music on Instagram to build your brand's voice

A dramatic sequence of notes, a fun, quirky pop song, a minimalist piano solo: a well-chosen track helps you convey the mood you want people to associate with your brand. So when you regularly add tracks to your Instagram posts, you can express your brand's voice much more effectively. To maintain consistency and effectively develop your brand's voice, put in place rules and guidelines that all contributors will need to adhere to.

Add music to your Instagram News Feed posts to save time

We know just how impactful videos can be, as evidenced by the success of Reels. However, the process of creating Reels can be time-consuming and require a certain amount of mastery. You generally need to be very strategic, planning and fine-tuning your transitions to create the desired impact. For most small business owners and individual creators, the resources at their disposal may not allow them to do this on a regular basis. Fortunately, adding music to your feed allows you to enjoy the benefits of video content without the constraints of creating it. It's much easier and less time-consuming to create a classic Instagram feed post with music than it is to create video content. It also means you can scale your Instagram content production efficiently. If you used to produce 2-3 videos a week, you can now supplement this with a new, engaging daily publication for your followers.

Namely: Instagram is currently testing a new feature that will allow you to add music to your photo carousels.

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