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New Instagram feature: Super Like on stories

Instagram is reportedly experimenting with a new feature on the platform: the "Super Like".

Instagram is reportedly experimenting with a new feature that could transform user interactions on the platform: the "Super Like" for Stories.

According to app developer Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is experimenting with a new feature: the super like. What's it for? To say you're super happy, or super fan, or super enthusiastic... In short, that it's great! Unlike a classic "Like" made by tapping, the Super Like is activated by a long press on the Like button.

The Super Like on Instagram stories: a premium like

From the screenshot shared by Alessandro Paluzzi, it seems thatInstagram only allows the Super Like to be used once every 24 hours. A restriction that should ensure that the gesture remains special. Beyond being very flattering for the content creator (I'm the one who was chosen from all the publications), the Super Like could also influence the algorithm, giving priority to the most Super Liked content, but also to push future publications to the platform's users.

Instagram's "Super Like" feature, a new way to interact with Stories

By introducing a stronger way of liking Stories, Instagram aims to create a deeper connection between users and content creators. A premium recognition of sorts, allowing Instagramers to uniquely like their favorite content. What's more, limiting Super Like to one use per day adds an element of strategic choice, encouraging users to think more critically about the content they deem worthy of such distinction. Ultimately, this feature could lead to a more engaged and thoughtful community.

This feature is inspired by similar concepts from platforms such as YouTube and Tinder. YouTube allows users to highlight comments during lives, while Tinder allows potential matches to be flagged. However, the unique aspect of Instagram's approach lies in its integration with Stories, an ephemeral but highly personal content format. Speculatively, some wonder: like Tinder, will Instagram charge for this new feature? To be continued.

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