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How to prospect on social networks?

Prospecting on social networks can be a highly effective way of expanding your customer base and developing your business.

With the right approach, prospecting on social networks can be a highly effective way of expanding your customer base and growing your business.

According to LinkedIn, 78% of companies that use social selling outperform those that don't. And according to data from CSO Insights, one in three B2B salespeople say that prospecting on social networks has increased the number of leads they work with. But with so many social platforms out there, it can be hard to decide which one will be most effective for your business. We take stock.

Prospecting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most useful social platforms for business prospecting, as it offers a number of features that make it easier to find and engage with prospects, including:

  • The ability to search for potential customers who match your KPI using filters such as job title, sector, company size and location.
  • A messaging feature that lets you send direct messages to specific prospects. So you can interact with prospects in a personalized way.
  • LinkedIn Groups, where you can contribute to conversations with like-minded professionals and potential customers in need of your services.

Does prospecting on LinkedIn work?

  • 50% of French salespeople use LinkedIn to gather prospect data.
  • LinkedIn studies have counted 58 million companies present on the network.
  • 96% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute their content.
  • 91% of decision-makers say they use LinkedIn as their first source of information before making a purchasing decision.

Prospect on X

Although not as targeted as LinkedIn, X(formerly Twitter) remains a valuable channel for business prospecting. You can use X to :

  • Identify potential customers discussing topics related to your product or service by using hashtags, keywords and search filters to find relevant conversations.
  • Interact with prospects in real time to establish a connection and start building a relationship. Twitter's direct messaging feature offers a more private communication channel, allowing you to continue the conversation and move prospects further down the sales funnel.
  • Share relevant information and ideas on your profile, which can help you position yourself as an opinion leader in your sector and boost your credibility with potential customers.

Does prospecting on X work?

  • 82% of BtoB companies use X as a prospecting tool.
  • 87% of companies see their marketing results increase thanks to this social network. A substantial figure that shows the real value of X for boosting brand sales.
  • 84% of professionals registered on X see an increase in sales thanks to regular, attractive and promotional posts that showcase their products.
  • Users spend 26% more time watching advertising content on X than on other platforms.

Prospecting on Facebook

Facebook is the world's most widely used social network, with almost 3 billion monthly active users. Facebook has a wider audience than other social media platforms, and tends to be more popular with older people: almost 60% of its users are between 25 and 54 years old. So it could be a particularly useful platform if your audience is in this age bracket. It also offers a range of tools that can be used for prospecting, including :

  • Professional pages, where you can showcase your products and services, share updates and interact with your subscribers.
  • Industry-specific Facebook groups, where you can connect with potential customers, ask and answer questions, and share industry information and tips.

Does prospecting on Facebook work?

  • 96% of BtoC marketers and 91% of BtoB marketers use Facebook.
  • 78% of companies have noticed that their marketing is increasing thanks to the presence of this social network in their customer acquisition strategy.
  • 76% report an increase in sales thanks to posts, which is remarkable and proves the crucial role of Facebook within a sales prospecting strategy.


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Prospect on Instagram

Instagram is particularly useful for B2C salespeople in sectors with highly visual products, such as fashion, beauty and homewares. While it may not be the ideal platform for all sales teams, players in certain sectors can use it to boost brand awareness and drive sales to :

  • Present your products in a visually appealing way, using high-quality images and videos to demonstrate their features and benefits.
  • Leverage hashtags and location tags to extend your reach and attract new subscribers interested in your product.
  • Interact with prospects more personally and directly with Instagram's direct messaging feature. You can answer questions, address concerns and provide product recommendations.

Does prospecting on Instagram work?

  • 67% of businesses consider Instagram to be the most effective social network for selling.
  • 81% of consumers say they decided to buy a product or service after seeing it while browsing on Instagram.
  • 80% of professionals registered on Instagram see an increase in sales thanks to posts, which is worth thinking about for future sales prospecting.

Prospecting on TikTok

TikTok is a fast-growing social network that offers numerous opportunities for brands. As a mobile application focused on creating short videos, it enables companies to reach a young, engaged audience. By integrating TikTok into their marketing strategy, brands can leverage its global reach, high engagement and creativity to reach new audiences and strengthen their brand image. TikTok's round-the-clock artificial intelligence analyzes the content users like to watch, and suggests videos that match their tastes. This is a major asset for companies, as the algorithm offers them qualified prospects who are more inclined to like their services or products.

Does prospecting on TikTok work?

  • Generation Y TikTok users (millenials) are 2.3 times more likely to create a post in which a company is tagged than on other platforms.
  • 85% of companies had planned to increase their TikTok budget by 2023, compared with 39% for their Meta budget.
  • 37% of users say they would like to buy a service or product after seeing it on the platform.

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